Interesting Sights and Expressions

Leaving the apartment and seeing the neighbours had a carved pumpkin at their door, I said, "Wow, that's cool." Remya's response: "You want to go back inside and get something else to wear?"

Purnendu to Remya when on the bus: "Do you have tower?" so she passes him her cell phone.
I thought he was asking about her insurance company. 

Pumpkins everywhere, all through September and October.
Judges and Prosecutors are elected!!!!


That's 99 cents EACH.

A moveable STOP sign, used for pedestrians.

The new socks I bought for my winter boots.

Pumpkin Spice Latte bought from Starbucks.

You have been warned.

Kurt Vonnegut mural in Indianapolis

The bones from John Green's "The Fault in our Stars".

Random signs artistically placed in the woods.

Squirrels are everywhere

A couple of signs you don't see in New Zealand

Does it just not fit in one of the double garages????

Someone has gone to the trouble of having this sign made and has placed it at the edge of their lawn.

Deer just wander out of the woods and graze on people's lawns.

The fish I won in class because I was fishing for answers.

The crazy Professor Bonk who makes five hours fly on a Saturday morning.

Random drawing on whiteboard by student who had finished his work.

Walking as the sun rises in the east.

A local product of Nashville, Indiana.

Yep, they're everywhere.

Nashville, Indiana.

A Bradford Pear tree, not far from where I live, after a storm.

At the Art Festival, home made poetry while you wait.

It is foggy every morning here in Bloomington in August. In the distance you can see the bus stop where I catch the bus to the university.


Just happened to bump into these blokes ... at the American History Museum

I know we have to meet the market, but if it's from New Zealand, shouldn't it be spelt our way?

This is called a Ulitikilt. It is made in Seattle, has no clan affiliation and also has pockets. When asked why he wears it, he says, "Because it is comfortable." I wasn't game to ask if there was anything worn underneath.

"I slept late." -- to my Indian and Moroccan roommates, this means "I went to bed very late."

"I had a terrible shoe bite." -- said by Remya after wearing a new pair of shoes that were not very comfortable.

1 comment:

  1. Laughed out loud at these pics Fiona!! Especially the last one :) Keep them coming!!
    Cath xxx
